Time flies

Time flies when you’re having fun: Denise, Mom Linda and I moved to Italy 16 months ago and I have just now started this blog! Yes, we’ve been having fun in our new life. And there have been many interesting challenges along the way. I hope you’ll enjoy following along as I explore my insides and my outsides; I hope that my musings will inspire and entertain you.


I decided to call my blog “The Great Transition” for several reasons. The first one is obvious: we sold our houses, retired from our careers, left our church families, tearfully embraced our friends, and bugged out of our country in its darkest hour. We chose to become expats in Italy and create a whole new life here. I could probably write a book on this subject alone…but who has time for that? We are so busy!

The second transition we are dealing with is living with Mom and her worsening vascular dementia. Until now I have chosen to keep this part of our lives very much contained within the immediate family. Now I find that I need to write about it, to share the stories and the heartache. Thanks in advance for caring.

The third transition is about being retired and what’s next for us. Not having a set schedule is more demanding that it sounds!

The last transition is all about climate change, what is happening to our planet, what we can do about it, and how to have hope. Humankind MUST adapt if we are to survive. My goal here is to brainstorm, create positive change and to not become stuck in my despair. 


So here we go!



La Giostra roses